
Other advanced carbon materials thermal processing (graphene / carbon nanotubes, photovoltaic / semiconductor graphite, carbon / carbon composites, etc

Other advanced carbon materials thermal processing (graphene / carbon nanotubes, photovoltaic / semiconductor graphite, carbon / carbon composites, etc

Rich experience in technology, product development, industrialization and market in the field of new energy and new materials; leading production technology and equipment technology of energy storage materials; laying a solid foundation for the long-term development of the company.

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Independently developed the first new ultra-high temperature purification / graphitization production line in China

Independently developed the first new ultra-high temperature purification / graphitization production line in China

It can provide high quality products for lithium-ion battery, artificial diamond, semiconductor / photovoltaic, aerospace, nuclear power and other industries.

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Moistening new source energy processing range

重庆市| 朝阳县| 太白县| 高雄县| 建瓯市| 安龙县| 桑日县| 湟中县| 小金县| 宜宾县| 芒康县| 江孜县| 连州市| 育儿| 大港区| 读书| 盐边县| 宁远县| 石渠县| 章丘市| 维西| 毕节市| 靖安县| 鲜城| 潢川县| 家居| 霞浦县| 元朗区| 阿坝县| 娱乐| 清涧县| 北宁市| 天水市| 嘉禾县| 张北县| 将乐县| 洛浦县| 星子县| 宁明县| 图木舒克市| 射洪县|